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Friday, January 9, 2009


Diane attended a class of mine on Tuesday (1/6) and this is her shopping trip from yesterday. Here is what she had to say and her breakdown.

"I may have gone overboard… MAY… but it was my first time and I wanted to see what I could get. I tried saving without the newspaper coupons (I just subscribed) and this is all online coupons. I did this last night and when my husband woke up he was even shocked at the price."

Total value $240.49.
Total saved $134.10
Total OOP $106.39
Average Savings 59%

She also got $60 off her next purchase and .25 cents off per gallon of gas.

Thanks Diane for showing all of us how to start saving big. Now just wait until the newspapers start rolling in. Your savings will quickly increase!!!


Ellie said...

Hey Lisa- This is Amy I went to one of your classes and Kari's house a while ago. Anyway, I went shopping at Albertsons recently and I have found myself addicted to their sales...ahhh! I have a sister who lives in Utah and I was wondering if you knew the passport code for the Utah adds and if you a contact out there so she can set up some classes for herself and some friends? Thanks so much!

Lisa said...

Hey Amy -

Have your site enter passport code g84rcm on and it will give her a contact number for an instructor in Utah. I am so glad that you are having a great time. Albertson has to be my favorite store, next to CVS. They always have the best deals.