I grew up eating Lynn Wilson Burritos. They are the BEST microwavable burritos in the world. I crave them every day for lunch and they are really good with lettuce and fresh garden tomatoes on top. However, they are only available in Utah. So whenever my parents come to town, they clean out the Albertsons in St George, Utah and bring me a supply that lasts me only a few weeks.
Do you have anything that you can't live without?
almonds, nachos, and popcorn. easily 3 of my top five foods that i couldn't live without.
That is too funny. My brother is the exact same way. He can eat 2-3 at a time but of course they only have them in Utah and he lives in Arizona. I feel for you and the pain it must cause. I go through the same thing when we are in California for Christmas and there is no Stephen's cocoa!!!
Diet Coke tops my list... after that I'd say popcorn and anything with peanut butter in it! :)
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