Need to Search My Blog?

Monday, March 1, 2010


I have found that over the past few years of couponing, that clipped coupons were the death of me. These are the coupons that I find on purchased products, in magazines, and blinkie coupons from the store. I never knew how to store them, where to store them, and I could never find them when I needed them.

However, I found the perfect solution - Baseball Card protector sleeves. My hubby is a huge baseball card collector so I asked him if I could have a few of his protector sheets to help store my coupons. Now I keep all clipped coupon in one convenient spot. Each sleeve can hold up to 9 different coupons and it is easy for me to spot what extra coupons I have on hand. No more coupons in a million places or flipping through a huge pile of coupons to see what I have.

So if you are having the same problem with your clipped coupons you pick up along the way, get yourself some baseball card protector sleeves to help you out.


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