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Monday, March 9, 2009


After last weeks unsuccessful trip to Walgreens that ended with me walking out empty handed, I was a little leery about a shopping trip this week. BUT the sales were too good not to try, and I am SOOOO GLAD that I did. See my breakdown below. . .

Total Value - $183.52
Total Saving - $144.13
Total Spent - $39.39

Average Savings 79%
Average Cost per Item $1.27

So do you want to learn how to SHOP like this? I teach an advance couponing class to those of you who host a class and get 12 or more NEW mom's in attendance. So call me and get your class booked today so you can earn your invite to my Advance Coupon Class.


Lisa Allsop said...

I went to 4 different Walgreens to try and take advantage of the Huggies diapers coupons and all of the stores were cleaned out except the Walgreens on Green Valley and Horizon Ridge which did not have the buy $25 get $10 back tickets posted next to any of the items. I thought this was strange, and left the store empty handed. I asked my sister about it and she told me that a couple other of her friends have tried using coupons at this specific Walgreens and have been treated very rudely, even by the manager. I hear they really hate us couponers there and I'm guessing they pulled down all their in-store advertisements to scare us away.

Lisa said...

Hey Lisa -

I feel that way too sometimes that the stores are not on board with excepting coupons. However, if you do your research and stick to what the ad says go ahead a try out your shopping trip. Let's say you tried the diaper deal and the $10 RR did not print, return all the items get your coupon back and try another store. I wouldn't want to give my business to a store that does not follow the ad.

If you find that the store employees are rude talk to the manager and if the manager is rude find his superior. This may seem a little extreme, but we have the right to use coupons and we should not be treated rudely when we do.

Don't get discourage from your shopping trips yesterday and keep at it.


Jessica said...

Questions: I am looking at the Huggies coupons and it looks like they are only for the Pull Ups and Good Nites. Am I missing something?
Also, I don't see anywhere in the ad where the Johnson's baby lotion is on sale. I didn't see it on the GrocerySmarts list either.

Lisa said...

Jessica -

Go to this post to get the direct link for the Huggies Coupons.

Also - I found out about the Jonhson and Jonhsnon deal on

Hope this helps!!!