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Monday, April 27, 2009


Do you feel like your spending is out of control? Do you wonder where your money goes every month? Do you want to get a grip on your spending habits?

I have had these questions many times in my life. But since starting Grocery Smarts simple program, I have reigned in my spending habits tremendously. My grocery spending was crazy high before I started couponing. It was the one thing me and my Hubby thought was untouchable when it came to cutting costs. Well were we ever wrong. Along our couponing journey we have learned to cut cost in many more places, freeing up our monthly finances even more.

So are you ready to start spending less in other areas of your life? Here are some more tips to help you curb your spending habits.
  • Identify your spending "Black Hole" - Go back through past credit card statements and bank statements and find your weakness. Is it crafty item or make-up. Are you addicted to shopping on EBay? After you identify your "black hole" set limits to your spending and stick to them.
  • Play the waiting game - If you think you have to have that new pair of shoes, wait 30 days to purchase. If in 30 day the impulse to purchase is gone then pass on the shoes. If it is still there stronger than ever, go back to the store to purchase. More times than not, you will forget about the wanted item, thus decreasing your spending.
  • Get in and get out - make a list and stick to it. Grocery Smarts has taught me this lesson well. I can not believe how much my spending decreased by sticking to my list. It is definitely hard to do, but the outcome is so sweet.

I hope these tips help you to curb your spending habits.

SOURCE: May issue of All You - pg 149

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